In May 2012, the Saslav family's pool day with friends, the De Luigi family, took a dramatic turn. "We called for everyone to get out of the pool for a while," recalls Jill Saslav, but her three-year-old daughter, Delaney, sneaked back and fell in.
Five-year-old Cyan De Luigi witnessed the incident and quickly alerted her parents. Beata De Luigi immediately jumped in and pulled Delaney from the water, while her husband, Dr. Jason De Luigi, a sports medicine physician at MedStar NRH, performed CPR. ER doctors later confirmed that Delaney's survival was due to the precise resuscitation administered. "There is no question in my mind that the De Luigi family saved her life," Jill stated.
Following weeks in intensive care, Delaney transitioned to rehabilitation. "We knew nothing about rehab and what to do next," Jill admitted. Dr. De Luigi took charge, guiding them to MedStar NRH. Jill expressed deep gratitude for the care they received, which allowed her to reconnect with her daughter. "The MedStar NRH team includes my husband and me in everything and encourages us to be a part of the process. It’s like family," she said.
When Delaney arrived at the National Center for Children’s Rehabilitation (NCCR) at MedStar NRH, she couldn’t sit up or speak, with her arms in spasm. A month later, she began sitting, standing, and even talking. "The first thing she said was 'mom,' and it was a wonderful moment," Jill shared. She emphasized the comprehensive support from therapists, doctors, nurses, and even hospital president John Rockwood, who frequently checked on their progress.
Jill and Andrew Saslav understand that recovery is ongoing, but they are optimistic about Delaney's improvement. For Dr. De Luigi, who visits most mornings to give Delaney a hug, her recovery is heartening. "It’s amazing to see how far she has come—from a child on a ventilator to a delightful little girl playing with therapists," he remarked.